Benefits of Membership

For a historically short period of time, the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, which unites more than a third of the leading national organizers of exhibitions, owners of exhibition complexes, enterprises that promote the exhibition business, has become a consolidating link in the exhibition business of Russia, and the members of the Union make the main indicators in the field of exhibition, fair and congress activities in Russia.




1,1 million sq. m NET EXHIBITION SPACE

Goals and objectives:

  • assistance to domestic enterprises in the promotion of goods and services in the domestic and foreign markets
  • coordination of exhibition and fair activities (VYaD)
  • legislative initiatives in the field of nuclear fuel
  • audit of exhibition events
  • international connections
  • training seminars
  • improvement of the information base of the exhibition industry

The formation of the exhibition and congress industry as an integral part of the country's socio-economic system has been and remains at the forefront of the Union's activities.

Representatives of the Union are members of the Interdepartmental Commission on Exhibition and Fair Activities under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Expert Council on Exhibition and Fair Activities of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the State Duma, the Board of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the RSPP; to the relevant Committees of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; The RSPP Committee for Exhibition Activities is headed by the President of the Union.

At the same time, we understand that there are many other organizations operating in the Russian market of exhibition services, whose activities are related to the field of exhibition, fair and congress services and which make a real contribution to the development of the Russian exhibition industry.

That is why one of our priority tasks for the near future is to make the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs a powerful national industry association, a real platform for solving industry problems, expressing the unified collective opinion of Russian exhibition workers, and increasing confidence in the Russian exhibition industry in the world.

The doors of the Union are open to professional participants from all segments of the Russian exhibition market who are ready to join the organized Russian exhibition community.

Membership in the Union is especially significant in terms of active business interaction and partnership, promotion of companies in the country and abroad.

What does membership in the RUEF give?

  • Possibility of dialogue with authorities
  • Direct participation and influence on the development of the Russian exhibition industry
  • Growth of competence through continuous service and wide information
  • Broad awareness of the development of the exhibition industry in the country and the world
  • Expansion of mutually beneficial contacts and business communication at the events of the Union
  • Continuous promotion of your company in the market of exhibition services
  • Improving the professionalism of your employees through training
  • Growth of the image of your exhibitions through an audit and awarding them the RUEF Mark
  • Increasing confidence in your company as a reliable professional member of the national exhibition association

Categories of RUEF members

The following categories of commercial organizations whose activities are related to holding exhibitions, fairs and congresses are accepted as members of the RUEF:

  • exhibition organizers
  • organizers of Russian collective expositions at exhibitions in Russia and abroad
  • owners of exhibition and/or congress premises
  • owners of exhibition portals
  • organization of the sphere of exhibition technologies
  • exhibition developers
  • freight forwarding companies
  • firms in the field of business tourism, hotel business
  • congress organizers
  • advertising and publishing firms
  • mass media
  • organizations providing information, marketing, consulting, postal and other services
  • other organizations whose activities are related to holding exhibitions, fairs and congresses